Updated December 2023
At the Autumn Gathering and Visioning held in October 2023, it was agreed that the covid testing protocols for all residential gatherings will continue as they currently are. It was felt by the AG that this is the fairest and best way to protect members, particularly those who are more vulnerable to the ill effects of covid.
ECC will however supply and pay for tests to ensure that members, particularly those facing challenging financial circumstances, are not left out of pocket.
This of course is subject to review at future AGs should the situation around covid evolve.
ECC recognises and understands the need to minimise, as far as is reasonably possible, the risks of Covid-19 transmission on ECC events. We also stress that ECC events by their very nature will often involve close proximity between participants and the close sharing of physical spaces, which could – all other things equal – facilitate transmission of Covid-19. Bearing these points in mind, we have therefore agreed a community Covid-19 policy for participation at ECC events which sets out both recommendations and requirements, as follows:
Recommendations and advice
We strongly advise all members to have their full course of Covid-19 vaccines, as we understand that this offers the best protection from severe illness. We will not, however, ask participants at an ECC event about their Covid-19 vaccination status nor ask for evidence of Covid-19 vaccination status.
We recommend that participants at an ECC event test for Covid-19 two days before attendance at the event. Where a participant tests positive, they should not attend the event.
Agreed Covid safety requirements for gatherings
On arrival at an ECC event, we will ask participants to take an LFT test for Covid-19. This test may be supervised by the event organisers. Where a participant tests positive for Covid-19, they should not attend the event and should return home (we will endeavour to assist you in doing so).
For ECC events of a week’s duration or longer, we will ask participants to take an LFT test for Covid-19 on the third day of the event. Where a participant tests positive, they will be required to isolate from the other participants and return home as soon as possible (we will endeavour to assist you doing so).
We require that participants at ECC events bring at least two Covid-19 LFT test kits, as well as a mask, in case these are needed.