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The Edward Carpenter Community
For men who love men

Vision and Values

Our original Principles and Intentions (P&Is) were drafted by members in the early days of the community and have been updated periodically. At the Spring Vision Gathering in 2007 we wanted to come up with a new and more succinct set of statements that better reflect who we are now. The Vision and Values is the result. We are using the two together as a way of honouring our past and those who’ve gone before, while stating afresh who we are now, as finally agreed at the Autumn Gathering in October 2009.


Vision and Values

As members of the Edward Carpenter Community we are committed to:

1. Becoming fully ourselves as gay men
By being creative, courageous, open, truthful, loving and fully responsible for ourselves.
We will pursue personal growth and engage in activities that increase our self-awareness, self worth and well-being.

2. Creating community
By being welcoming, inclusive, safe, empowering, encouraging, allowing, accepting, co-operative, challenging, forgiving and fun.
We will do this through friendship that builds trust and intimacy and formal and informal gatherings and events. We will embrace diversity. We will make decisions by consensus, support each other and share skills and knowledge.

3. Living respectfully and holistically within the wider world
By engaging, inspiring, questioning, pioneering, and sharing our lives and gifts.
We will build relationships with others and be aware of the impact of our thoughts, intentions and actions on our communities and planet.


Occasionally, we still refer to the most recent update of our founding Principles and Intentions:



The Edward Carpenter Community (ECC) exists to provide opportunities to express our identity as gay men.

We are committed to:

  • Personal growth;
  • Achieving greater trust and intimacy amongst ourselves and amongst all gay men;
  • Creating and maintaining a supportive network of gay men;
  • Living in a way that is not exploitative of our fellow creatures, our environment or its resources, and exploring non-exploitative alternatives to the current economic and social system;
  • Welcoming gay men from disadvantaged and oppressed groups and doing what we can to reduce the impact of all forms of oppression;
  • Overcoming the effects of our own oppression as gay men;
  • Sharing skills and living and working co-operatively rather than competitively;
  • Acting as a resource for each other, other interested gay people and individuals and groups that share our concerns and objectives.


We intend to:

  • Encourage an atmosphere of trust, mutual support and sharing in each other’s lives;
  • Encourage creativity in our lives;
  • Make a personal commitment to each other and to the Community; to acknowledge a responsibility to the Community and make decisions by consensus;
  • Promote activities for emotional, physical and spiritual development and wellbeing, and encourage a healthy lifestyle; the Edward Carpenter Community will continue to provide healthy vegetarian food at our events
  • Welcome gay men from all backgrounds and encourage and support disabled, black, older and younger men to become involved in our community;
  • Encourage opportunities for living and working together;
  • Introduce people to new ideas and new ways of living.


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