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The Edward Carpenter Community
For men who love men

Creative Living Now

Lesbian & Gay Foundation Manchester

Sat 24th to Sun 25th March 2018

This event has already happened

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled. We're sorry for the disappointment, but we hope to run a similar event in Manchester at a later date.

Manchester Sunset

A weekend of connections, friendship, community and support as we explore what Creative Living Now means through workshops and talks, heart circles and shared meals.

We’re having to come to terms with ourselves and others in all sorts of new and unfamiliar ways. Questions of identity have come to the fore - what does it now mean to be male or female, gay or straight, and are these the only options available? How does one negotiate different conditions for livelihood alongside new religious and political groupings? This weekend explores what is involved in Creative Living Now.

Each day begins with an introductory go-round, followed by workshops exploring aspects of our theme - the individual and the social, the personal and the political - that will draw on a range of ideas and subjects (for example, art, dance, therapy, science, philosophy - the workshop list will be finalised January 2018). Each day continues with a shared lunch, further workshops and optional Heart Circles for those looking to explore a greater degree of intimacy. They’ll be plenty of time for tea and coffee, for meeting friends new and old. And our venue is in the heart of the gay village, a great place to spend the evening afterwards.

Not been on an Edward Carpenter Community event before? Creative Living Now is a great introduction to ECC.

LGF, Manchester


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